
Thank you for your order!
Your order confirmation has been sent via text to the telephone number listed on the order form.

Important reminders:

  • Invoices are sent to the email listed on the order form within 24-48 hours of delivery and must be paid prior to delivery. If we do not receive payment, we will make a good faith effort to contact you the day of delivery before cancelling.
  • Please water grass the day of delivery as this will help with the install. (summer months)

  • Please be sure to alert someone in the home that an install will take place after 5PM.

  • Please do not cut around the signs or use weed whackers as this damages our signs.

  • Please secure all pets before the delivery time. If they are present during the install, delivery will not be made.

  • If you live in a heavily wooded area, off of a main road where there is no outdoor lighting, you must notify us prior to delivery or an Install may be refused.